CPBL B-Side Volume #3
Every now and then, the team at CPBL STATS will bring you some of the overlooked moments from the CPBL season or what is happening in the Taiwanese baseball community. Just think of it as the lighter side of the CPBL.
Not enough glue!
During the farm league game between Chinatrust Brothers and Uni-Lions, the wall padding fall on Lions’ veteran OF 劉芙豪 (Liu Fu-Hao) after making a routine catch at the wall.
Fan snares a screaming liner.
Here at CPBL STATS, we love seeing fans making nice catch! Expect to see more nice plays by fans in the future edition of the CPBL B-Side.
Umpire takes a hard hit in the chest from 陳凱倫 (Chen Kai-Lun) foul ball. Then process to cast Terry Bogard’s Power Wave attack.
Harvey Dent spotted at the ball game
A very creative fan, who managed to stitched Monkeys home and away uniform into one.
When you can't decide which uniforms to wear, why not wear both home and away uniforms at the same time. #CPBL #Lamigo pic.twitter.com/oxI1lHP5Xm
— CPBL STATS (@GOCPBL) April 1, 2017
Meet your new team Puerto Rico pitcher
Lamigo Monkeys’ closer 陳禹勳 (Chen Yu-Hsun) shows off that ridiculous wavy dreamy hair. Apparently, it was a bet between him and the lead singer of the rock band FireEX.