2020 CPBL STATS Awards

With another year of baseball done and dusted, as always, it is time to hand out the 2020 CPBL STATS Awards! We will take a trip down the memory lane and see some of the best and overlooked moments from the 2020 CPBL season and anything related to Taiwan baseball.

*Notes: Just a word of warning, there are a lot of videos in this blog post. I did my best cutting from over 200 videos down to 70.

Brain Fart Of the Year

Chef of the Year

Best Conflict De-escalation Award

Best Chiropractor in the Dugout Award

Too Fat to Pick Up Your Glove Award

Lumberjack Award: CPBL Edition

Lumberjack Award: Student Edition

Best Cult Circle: CPBL Edition

Best Cult Circle: Cheerleaders Edition

Taunt of the Year

Best Bat Flip: CPBL Edition

Best Bat Flip: Student Edition

Worst Bat Flip Award

Bat Flip At Your GM Award

Additional note: This was during Chang Chih-Hao’s salary arbitration period. Sending a flying bat to your general manager? Nothing suss there!!

Left Your Fly Open Award

Photobomb Gone Wrong Award

Best Home Run Catch by Fan

Best Synchronization Award

Biggest Mouth Award

Almost Hug the Wrong Son Award

Best Home Run / Hitting Cameraman Award

Most Painful Home Run Award

Home Run of the Year: CPBL First Ever Pinch-Hit Walk-Off Grand Slam

Play of the Year / B.D.E Award

Best High Five Rejection: Player Edition

Best Handshake Rejection: Mascot Edition

Mound Magician Award

Best Facial Expression Award

Mascot of the Year: Sababoy

Creepiest Mascot Award

Mascot Giving Alcohol to Kid Award

Best Way to Say Thanks to Healthcare Workers Award

Worst at Social Distancing Award

Best Culture Exchange Award

Best On Field Musical Award

When Earth Strikes Back Award

Iron Hand Award

Most Expensive Foul Ball Award: Exploding Phone

Most Expensive Foul Ball Award: Umpire Cam

Hitting Your Own Teammates Award

Best “Manufactured” Nice Play Award

Game Delay Award: Bug Edition

Game Delay Award: Birds Edition

Best Bullpen Hijinks Award

Best Bullpen Phone Award

Best First Pitch Award

Worst First Pitch Award

Saddest First Pitch Award

Weirdest First Pitch

Best Accidental No-Look Play Award

The Misfits In the Stands Award

When Darth Vader, Jean-Luc Picard and Winnie the Pooh decided to show up at a CPBL game.

Weirdest Dressed Fan Award

Best Strike Call: Student Baseball Edition

Best Team Effort Award

Most Relaxed Fan Award

Thousand-Yard Stare Award

Accidental Fight Jet Flyover Award

Best Interview

Balk of the Year

Hybrid Sport Award

Sports Science Award

Cutest MVP Dance Award

Best Rain Delay Award: Grounds Crew Edition

Best Rain Delay: Players Edition

Forgot Which Team You’re On Award

Coach Meltdown Award: Domestic Coach Edition

Best Meltdown Award: Foreign Coach Edition

Best Hair Award: On the Mound Edition

Best Hair Award: At the CPBL Draft Edition

Best On-Base Celebration Award


  1. I can’t believe this went up 2 weeks ago and I’m only now seeing it. Must have taken ages to compile all these and sort them for us. Thanks! Awesome season and awesome spot picks!


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